Tuesday, February 17, 2009

When It Rains, It Pours!!!

I haven’t blogged in a while, so I thought I’d give an update on my life. The week my hubby was in Key West, all 4 children had a stomach virus. Three of them were puking at the same time one night. FUN! He came home Wednesday (2/4) and two days later, it was my turn. I thought I just had bad heartburn, so I went out with a friend to Ruby Tuesdays on Friday. Bad freakin’ idea! I threw up in the bathroom. On the plus side, it was a clean bathroom. After dinner, I was feeling much better and needed to go to Wal-Mart for a birthday present. We were in the toy isle when I started to get nauseous again. I headed straight for the check out and then to the bathroom. No plus side to this one, the bathroom was N-A-S-T-Y! I was able to drive myself home, but I called my lovely husband on the way home and asked for a bowl and a clean toilet.

Saturday night (2/5), my Chihuahua, Rosie, started acting funny. She wasn’t able to walk and looked emaciated. I hadn’t really noticed because she’s usually pretty skinny and I see her every day. Don and I stayed up all night with her, giving her canned food on a fork and hand feeding her water. The vet isn’t open Sunday, so I took her in first thing Monday morning. They ran the gamut of tests and everything came back normal, including the test for Addison’s disease. They still don’t know what’s wrong with her. I just picked up some anti-inflammatory pills for her today and she has a follow up next week. Hopefully the medication will kick in and she’ll return to normal.

Then on Sunday (2/6), Donald got really sick. I took him to Patient First and he tested positive for influenza. Just great! The poor kid was miserable and I felt like the worst parent ever for forgetting their flu shots. I had them scheduled in November, but we went to Ohio unexpectedly and I forgot to reschedule. Grr… So, he was off school for 5 days (my punishment for forgetting the shots). He is feeling much better now. All that’s left is bad cough. The other kids didn’t get it (knock on wood), but Don did. He’s been sick all weekend.

We pretty much just hung out all that week. I was exhausted and frustrated from dealing with all of the sickies. Friday night (2/13) we had a nice dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise and headed to a hotel room for the night. We stayed at the Springhill Suites Marriot on the beach. The kids went swimming, watched some Valentine’s Day movies on TV and fell asleep. Don and I were able to relax a bit by ourselves…ahh… The next day we had a great breakfast at the hotel’s full breakfast bar, played at the beach for a while, had lunch at Planet Pizza and then went to find a storage area for all of our crap. I was really trying to avoid the storage unit, but we don’t have a choice. I guess we could make a cool box fort downstairs, or a maze for all of our potential house buyers LOL!

Sunday we borrowed the moving truck from the storage unit and filled up about half of it. We are finally well on our way to getting the house on the market. I finished the kid’s rooms today. I’m hoping to get my bow room done this week and work on our bedroom and bathroom this weekend. Don just informed me that he has to work the next 2 weekends and then will be leaving for NV for 3 weeks. I’m feeling completely overwhelmed. I hope that I will be able to stay focused and get stuff done. I also have the girl’s birthday party, the St. Patty’s day green potluck and 3 other play dates to host. It should be an eventful month!

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