Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Half-Day Hell

This week has been half-days for the school kids. For some reason Donald has not been adjusting well. He is half day Kindergarten, so really he's only going 1/4 of a day - two hours. I'm not sure what happens to him in these two hours, but he comes home with an attitude and is nasty to everyone. Yesterday, he became well acquainted with his room. We are also officially "unplugged" until Friday. This means no TV or video games. I find it helpful to ban these things in times of chaos. It really helps the kids realize that they are not drones, that other people exist and teaches them how to play with others again. I really need to revisit the idea of TV and video games only on the weekends. I enjoy my kids-in-front-of-the-TV-alone time though...hmm...hard decisions :)

What's in a Name

I'm not happy with my blog name. I'm really NOT the creative-titleling type either. I've been racking my brain all week, and nothing. I'm just going in circles. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Moving Stress

This move is hitting me hard, mostly physically right now. I'm sure the emotional will set in after the chaos is over. When it rains in this house, it pours! We found out we were going to move on 1/8. Our tentative move date is April 15th. I have been trying to break things down into little tasks so I'm not overwhelmed, but it's not working. Our first priority is selling our house. The market has slowed down, so I'm worried. Our house is not in good showing condition. It desperately needs a makeover and we don't have the time or money to do it right now. So far, I have been packing up the clutter, which has proved to be a big task. I have finished the living room, dining room, family room and I'm almost done with the kitchen. Today I'm tackling the laundry. It has been neglected for 2 weeks and is starting to take over the upstairs. I'm hoping to also clean downstairs tonight. Hubby cleaned our bathroom and has been working in our bedroom. Our bedroom is a major project. It is the shove-all while I clean the rest of the house and I never get around to cleaning it. I appreciate all of his help, especially since he has been sick and working all week and still comes home and cleans. My only issue is that he is a piler. He sorted everything by room, but I have to still go thru all of it and pack or toss it. Tomorrow, we have a birthday party and Chuckin' Cheese and then I'm coming home to start the kid's rooms. They are both complete disaster areas. I can't even get in the door. I'm kind of excited to purge some of their stuff. The housing we're moving into is big, but we won't have a playroom. All of their toys will have to be in their room. We are going to try to enforce a no toys downstairs rule, well see how that goes LOL! I have until Tuesday to get everything done because there is someone who wants to see the house. I'm just hoping that I can pull it off. I'll be here by myself after Saturday afternoon because hubby has to go to Key West for 10 days. I'm hoping for small miracles or huge energy bursts!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Snow" Day

This morning I was awakened by the phone ringing at 6:00am. It was the schools automated message telling me that school was cancelled. I hung up the phone and looked out the window only to see - GREEN GRASS! They cancelled school because it MAY snow 1 - 3 inches. LMAO! Normally, I would be happy to have a snow day, but Donald has already been off school for 4 days now. We took him out of school on Friday to go to Maryland and check out housing. Then, yesterday was MLK day, so no school. I don't think I can take another day :). I love spending time with my son, but I need a break. I don't know how I did it when he was home all day. I guess he was more tolerable because he had not yet found his smart mouth.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Just Add Soup

My children are pretty picky eaters, particularly my oldest Donald, who is 6. He has 4 basic food groups: chicken nuggets, ramen noodles, PB&J and junky snacks. If a meal doesn't fall into one of these food groups, he will not eat it. I made Tuna Noodle Casserole for dinner. Usually they gripe about the tuna and the mushrooms in the soup and I wonder why I bother cooking anything. Tonight, Donald finished 4 helpings of casserole. What was different you ask? I added 3 cans of soup instead of 2. Apparently if you drowned what ever you are making with soup, they will eat it! Good to know, since I will be attempting Swedish Meatballs later this week and they detest ground beef. I'm now off to buy stock in Campbell's cream soups!

Get Out of My Head, You Little Blogger!

I thought it was about time for the "little blogger" in my head to come out. I can no longer keep these thoughts trapped because my brain has reached it's limit and is now purging important information.
With that said, a little about me...
I'm a 31 year-old SAHM with 4 crazy but cute kiddos. I've been married to my awesome Navy man for 7 years. We currently reside in Virginia Beach, but in about 4 months that will all be changing. My hubby just got orders to Pax River, Maryland and we will be moving in April.

Let the blogging begin!