Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Back To The Vet We Go...

I was about to let the dogs outside today when I noticed something protruding from Rosie’s left side. Don picked her up out of the crate and she yelped several times. I immediately freaked out and took her to the vet. Apparently she has a malformed floating rib. It has always been that way, but we are noticing it now that she is so skinny. So, the good news…she is maintaining her weight and we think we’ve come to the root of all of her problems. The bad news…she is going to have to have both of her knees replaced. The vet thinks that she’s always had knee problems, but with the weather, they are getting worse, so we are noticing them now. They evaluate knee problems on a scale from 1 (best) to 4 (worst). Her left knee is a 4 and her right knee is a 3. This is why she yelps when she comes out of her crate and when someone picks her up. Her weight loss is probably due to her pain and not being able to stand up long enough to eat. The short-term fix is lots of pain meds, vitamins, rest, a new super-comfy bed for her crate and more food and water. She is going to be reevaluated on Monday by the knee surgery vet, so we will know more then. Poor Molly is going crazy when Rosie goes to the vet or has to be separated from her for any length of time. She barked the whole 2 ½ hours we were at the vet today. Last time I had to separate them, I took Molly for a long walk, 2 car rides, a trip to the pet store and even bought her a huge bone and she still barked. Umm…can you say “attachment disorder?”!

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